by 01.18 0 komentar

Indonesia is a hugely diverse nation. It is made up with population over 255 million people,  17.500 island which are home to over 300 ethnic groups, and its group has its own language, history, culture, and religion that has together well since 1945. This great diversity is unite by democratic system that has applied since its independence. Indonesia is third largest democracy country, with 187 million voters. In Soeharto era, Indonesia was under his dictatorship, but since Reform era, especially since 2004 Indonesia has applied direct election that made society can choose their president and vice president directly. Indonesia also has proved as the country that growing democracy and political stability that was able to peacefully elect the first president outside the military and political establishment. Democracy in Indonesia also give right to their society to give their argument freely without any intervent from government. The purpose of this paper is explain Indonesian society pride of Democratic system that applied in that country. This paper will tell how democracy can unite diversity in Indonesia, the alteration from indirect into direct election, and society participation toward democracy system in Indonesia. The result is as Indonesian people we must proud with this democracy system and support it to make unity in Indonesia.

Keyword: Diversity, Democracy, Election, Freedom, Unity



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